
 Don’t Let Him In

WOWZA!!! What a tangled web we weave! Whew! Lisa Jewell kept me on my toes the entire book and left me wanting more! This became the ultimate page turner for me! Readers need to be on their game and pay close attention because Lisa Jewell has spun such a tangled web that spins one way and then the other way in this twisted tale! Secrets, lies, manipulation, twists, and turns all come into play in this riveting, shocking, wonderfully written, and tense book!!!! Nina and her daughter Ash are devastated when Nina’s husband and Ash’s father, Paddy Swann is pushed into the path of a train! Nina thought she would never recover from such a loss until she met Nick… Martha is a florist living with her husband, Al and her children. Al’s job takes him away constantly and while they both work, they always have money problems…. Holy Moly! This book is twisted, jaw dropping, shocking, and intense!!!! I had a lot of fun reading this book. There are a lot of characters and, as I mentioned, one needs to stay on their game while reading this book! There are also some creepy scenes as well that might have the hair standing up on the back of your neck. I loved how everything came together in the most fabulous way. I went through many emotions and had various thoughts while reading this book. I did my fair share of booing and hissing at one of the characters and my neck is sore from shaking my head at other characters. Lisa Jewell did a fantastic job of creating tension in this book. The plot is well thought out and left me reeling. I had to get my barring a few times while reading and loved every second of it. Lisa Jewell has delivered once again and left me in awe! Gripping, thrilling, jaw dropping, shocking, and twist filled! Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.


We All Live Here

A house, a broken marriage, loss, family, motherhood, and writing set the stage for JoJo Moyes’ We All Live Here. Lila Kennedy has a lot on her plate – her husband has left, her home is in disrepair, her stepfather has moved in, her lifelong absent father has shown back up, and her daughters have their own struggles. Life has thrown her some lemons and soured her to a degree, with all that she has on her plate, she is struggling. I had high hopes for this character driven book and thought that this would be a slam dunk for me. But I found this book to be quite slow for the entire 464d page book. While slow does not generally work for me, I did enjoy how JoJo Moyes showed Lilia slowly taking those lemons, that have been hurled her way and figuratively making lemonade with them. Many different forms of relationships are shown in this book and through them, Lilia begins to heal. I enjoyed the family drama; especially the drama caused by Lilia’s eccentric father figures in this book. There are some fun moments, some hopeful moments, some sad moments, and some outlandish moments along the way. I just wished that things would move along at a much faster pace. While I enjoyed the sentiment of this book, it was still a struggle for this reader. Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Viking Penguin | Pamela Dorman Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.


A Dead Draw

Tracy Crosswhite is back in this tale of memories, revenge, redemption, and high stakes! A Dead Draw was slow to start but built to the ultimate showdown! This cat-and-mouse book has Tracy going back to basics, remembering the past, while planning for her family’s future. Tracy is usually cool under pressure but after a tense interrogation with the evil and diabolical, Erik Schmidt, who has ties to the man who murdered her sister, she loses her cool and detached demeanor. She goes on to make a shocking mistake on the shooting range that sees her being asked to take time off to regroup. Along with Dan, her husband, their daughter and nanny, Tracy goes back to her hometown of Cedars Grove to regroup and relax at their weekend house. Tracy meets with her former shooting coach and meets his granddaughter, Lydia, who has her own unique way of approaching shooting which Tracy may find beneficial. Bur relaxing will not be in her future after Schmidt is freed…… Fans of the series know that Tracy and her sister participated in shooting competitions and that Tracy is an excellent shot. So, when she makes a mistake on the shooting range, I felt bad for her knowing how much prides herself on her shooting. This gives Dugoni an opportunity to show how stress, trauma, PTSD, and pressure affects Tracy. I appreciated him bringing attention to PTSD. This book has a BIG emphasis on guns and shooting. As I mentioned this book was slow in the beginning and I do struggle with slowness in books. I started getting worried and thought “this is not the Tracy Crosswhite series that I am used to”. Thankfully the last half of the book picked up and things become more tense, more dangerous, and more deadly. While this was not my favorite book in the series, I found it to be enjoyable, shocking, and left me wanting to know what comes next! *Be Sure to Read the Author’s note Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.


The Uninvited Guest

The Uninvited Guest is all about secrets, lies, and a BIG surprise! I found this book to be fast paced, entertaining, and OTT. There is never a dull moment as Megan Lewis and some friends are on her hen weekend. It was meant to be a weekend of fun, hijinks, drinking, celebrating and bonding. But when Beth, an uninvited guest, arrives claiming to be Jamie’s, the groom’s cousin, Megan, invites her in. Soon the fun times, take a dramatic and not too fun turn! Megan, Megan, Megan, boy did I want to pull her aside and tell her to wake up and smell the coffee. How can one person be so naive, gullible, and lacking in judgement??????? Having said that, it did make the book move quickly along. It is interesting to read where the main character is so ridiculous that my neck got sore from shaking my head at her. There are quite a few unlikeable characters in this book which had me booing and hissing at them! This was an enjoyable and fast paced read which can easily be read in one sitting/day. It’s dramatic, has many twists and turns, and there is never a dull moment. As I mentioned, it is full of secrets, lies, and a few shocking scenes. Will I remember this book in months to come? I’m not sure, but I was entertained by it.


Last One Left Alive

Last One Left Alive left me with my mouthing hanging open in complete and utter shock! Holy Crap! I did not see that coming at all!!! I’m still reeling. Michael Wood has written another gripping, thrilling, and shocking book in the DCI Matilda Darke series! Talk about having your heart ripped out by a book! DCI Matilda Darke and the rest of her awesome team are on the hunt for a killer. A killer who picks the most vulnerable victims. A killer who taunts and sends sympathy cards to the families of the victims. A killer who is hiding in plain sight… On man, did I feel this one. I felt for the vulnerable victims and for Matilda and the entire team. They are doing their absolute best to hunt down this diabolical killer before another victim is taken. This becomes the ultimate deadly cat-and-mouse where the stakes are high, and the consequences are deadly. Whew! The entire team is on a heart pounding chase for a killer who leaves no trace! As with the other books in this series, this book was wonderfully written with great character development. It is riveting and has a well thought out plot that had my heart pumping and my fingers turning the pages! As I mentioned, the ending left me reeling, my jaw hanging open, and shocked beyond belief. Michael Wood pulled out all the stops with Last One Left Alive. I can’t wait to read what will happen in the next book!!!! A gripping and shocking page turner!


Her Hiding Place

Gripping, dangerous, intense, and full of dread, Her Hiding Place kept me fully invested and turning the pages! I loved the ‘trapped’ feeling of this book. The looming hurricane, the mystery of why Charlotte is on the run and hoping to hide with her daughter, Alice. Charlotte accepts a housekeeping job at an island resort and finagles her way into the attic apartment. She keeps her three-year old daughter, Alice, a secret. Hidden away and frequently left all alone, Alice must be silent so that her presence is not detected. Charlotte thought they would be safe there, but when a body is found, Charlotte knows the stakes are high and they may be in danger once again! I enjoyed not knowing who I could trust at the resort. I could feel Charlotte’s fear, concern, and mistrust jumping off the pages. The suspense and tension are off the hook and only multiply as the storm hits and the staff are trying to evacuate. This book had me on the edge of my seat and my heart beating faster and faster. I also enjoyed how Shannon Hollinger provided flashbacks to the past so that readers get a better understanding of Charlotte’s life before she went on the run, which left me further intrigued and invested in the plot. The author also threw in quite a few twists, turns and revelations as well with one that left my jaw hanging open. This was a fast paced, pulse pounding mystery that grabbed my attention from the start and never let go! Shannon Hollinger has delivered once again! Intriguing, shocking, tension filled and pulse pounding. I had both the book and the audiobook version of Her Hiding Place which made for a wonderful reading experience. I thought the narrator of the audiobook did a fantastic job. Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

 Don’t Let Him In

WOWZA!!! What a tangled web we weave! Whew! Lisa Jewell kept me on my toes the entire book and left me wanting more! This became the ultimate page turner for me! Readers need to be on their game and pay close attention because Lisa Jewell has spun such a tangled web that spins one way and then the other way in this twisted tale! Secrets, lies, manipulation, twists, and turns all come into play in this riveting, shocking, wonderfully written, and tense book!!!! Nina and her daughter Ash are devastated when Nina’s husband and Ash’s father, Paddy Swann is pushed into the path of a train! Nina thought she would never recover from such a loss until she met Nick… Martha is a florist living with her husband, Al and her children. Al’s job takes him away constantly and while they both work, they always have money problems…. Holy Moly! This book is twisted, jaw dropping, shocking, and intense!!!! I had a lot of fun reading this book. There are a lot of characters and, as I mentioned, one needs to stay on their game while reading this book! There are also some creepy scenes as well that might have the hair standing up on the back of your neck. I loved how everything came together in the most fabulous way. I went through many emotions and had various thoughts while reading this book. I did my fair share of booing and hissing at one of the characters and my neck is sore from shaking my head at other characters. Lisa Jewell did a fantastic job of creating tension in this book. The plot is well thought out and left me reeling. I had to get my barring a few times while reading and loved every second of it. Lisa Jewell has delivered once again and left me in awe! Gripping, thrilling, jaw dropping, shocking, and twist filled! Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

We All Live Here

A house, a broken marriage, loss, family, motherhood, and writing set the stage for JoJo Moyes’ We All Live Here. Lila Kennedy has a lot on her plate – her husband has left, her home is in disrepair, her stepfather has moved in, her lifelong absent father has shown back up, and her daughters have their own struggles. Life has thrown her some lemons and soured her to a degree, with all that she has on her plate, she is struggling. I had high hopes for this character driven book and thought that this would be a slam dunk for me. But I found this book to be quite slow for the entire 464d page book. While slow does not generally work for me, I did enjoy how JoJo Moyes showed Lilia slowly taking those lemons, that have been hurled her way and figuratively making lemonade with them. Many different forms of relationships are shown in this book and through them, Lilia begins to heal. I enjoyed the family drama; especially the drama caused by Lilia’s eccentric father figures in this book. There are some fun moments, some hopeful moments, some sad moments, and some outlandish moments along the way. I just wished that things would move along at a much faster pace. While I enjoyed the sentiment of this book, it was still a struggle for this reader. Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Viking Penguin | Pamela Dorman Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

A Dead Draw

Tracy Crosswhite is back in this tale of memories, revenge, redemption, and high stakes! A Dead Draw was slow to start but built to the ultimate showdown! This cat-and-mouse book has Tracy going back to basics, remembering the past, while planning for her family’s future. Tracy is usually cool under pressure but after a tense interrogation with the evil and diabolical, Erik Schmidt, who has ties to the man who murdered her sister, she loses her cool and detached demeanor. She goes on to make a shocking mistake on the shooting range that sees her being asked to take time off to regroup. Along with Dan, her husband, their daughter and nanny, Tracy goes back to her hometown of Cedars Grove to regroup and relax at their weekend house. Tracy meets with her former shooting coach and meets his granddaughter, Lydia, who has her own unique way of approaching shooting which Tracy may find beneficial. Bur relaxing will not be in her future after Schmidt is freed…… Fans of the series know that Tracy and her sister participated in shooting competitions and that Tracy is an excellent shot. So, when she makes a mistake on the shooting range, I felt bad for her knowing how much prides herself on her shooting. This gives Dugoni an opportunity to show how stress, trauma, PTSD, and pressure affects Tracy. I appreciated him bringing attention to PTSD. This book has a BIG emphasis on guns and shooting. As I mentioned this book was slow in the beginning and I do struggle with slowness in books. I started getting worried and thought “this is not the Tracy Crosswhite series that I am used to”. Thankfully the last half of the book picked up and things become more tense, more dangerous, and more deadly. While this was not my favorite book in the series, I found it to be enjoyable, shocking, and left me wanting to know what comes next! *Be Sure to Read the Author’s note Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

The Uninvited Guest

The Uninvited Guest is all about secrets, lies, and a BIG surprise! I found this book to be fast paced, entertaining, and OTT. There is never a dull moment as Megan Lewis and some friends are on her hen weekend. It was meant to be a weekend of fun, hijinks, drinking, celebrating and bonding. But when Beth, an uninvited guest, arrives claiming to be Jamie’s, the groom’s cousin, Megan, invites her in. Soon the fun times, take a dramatic and not too fun turn! Megan, Megan, Megan, boy did I want to pull her aside and tell her to wake up and smell the coffee. How can one person be so naive, gullible, and lacking in judgement??????? Having said that, it did make the book move quickly along. It is interesting to read where the main character is so ridiculous that my neck got sore from shaking my head at her. There are quite a few unlikeable characters in this book which had me booing and hissing at them! This was an enjoyable and fast paced read which can easily be read in one sitting/day. It’s dramatic, has many twists and turns, and there is never a dull moment. As I mentioned, it is full of secrets, lies, and a few shocking scenes. Will I remember this book in months to come? I’m not sure, but I was entertained by it.

Last One Left Alive

Last One Left Alive left me with my mouthing hanging open in complete and utter shock! Holy Crap! I did not see that coming at all!!! I’m still reeling. Michael Wood has written another gripping, thrilling, and shocking book in the DCI Matilda Darke series! Talk about having your heart ripped out by a book! DCI Matilda Darke and the rest of her awesome team are on the hunt for a killer. A killer who picks the most vulnerable victims. A killer who taunts and sends sympathy cards to the families of the victims. A killer who is hiding in plain sight… On man, did I feel this one. I felt for the vulnerable victims and for Matilda and the entire team. They are doing their absolute best to hunt down this diabolical killer before another victim is taken. This becomes the ultimate deadly cat-and-mouse where the stakes are high, and the consequences are deadly. Whew! The entire team is on a heart pounding chase for a killer who leaves no trace! As with the other books in this series, this book was wonderfully written with great character development. It is riveting and has a well thought out plot that had my heart pumping and my fingers turning the pages! As I mentioned, the ending left me reeling, my jaw hanging open, and shocked beyond belief. Michael Wood pulled out all the stops with Last One Left Alive. I can’t wait to read what will happen in the next book!!!! A gripping and shocking page turner!

Her Hiding Place

Gripping, dangerous, intense, and full of dread, Her Hiding Place kept me fully invested and turning the pages! I loved the ‘trapped’ feeling of this book. The looming hurricane, the mystery of why Charlotte is on the run and hoping to hide with her daughter, Alice. Charlotte accepts a housekeeping job at an island resort and finagles her way into the attic apartment. She keeps her three-year old daughter, Alice, a secret. Hidden away and frequently left all alone, Alice must be silent so that her presence is not detected. Charlotte thought they would be safe there, but when a body is found, Charlotte knows the stakes are high and they may be in danger once again! I enjoyed not knowing who I could trust at the resort. I could feel Charlotte’s fear, concern, and mistrust jumping off the pages. The suspense and tension are off the hook and only multiply as the storm hits and the staff are trying to evacuate. This book had me on the edge of my seat and my heart beating faster and faster. I also enjoyed how Shannon Hollinger provided flashbacks to the past so that readers get a better understanding of Charlotte’s life before she went on the run, which left me further intrigued and invested in the plot. The author also threw in quite a few twists, turns and revelations as well with one that left my jaw hanging open. This was a fast paced, pulse pounding mystery that grabbed my attention from the start and never let go! Shannon Hollinger has delivered once again! Intriguing, shocking, tension filled and pulse pounding. I had both the book and the audiobook version of Her Hiding Place which made for a wonderful reading experience. I thought the narrator of the audiobook did a fantastic job. Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.


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