Published by Scout Press Genres: Mystery
Format: eBook

Because the world does not have enough social media apps, Snoop is on the scene to allow you to anonymous listen to the music that your friends, relatives, favorite celebrities, and social media influences are listening to. People can snoop in on you as well. It’s a fun way to discover new music and be able to sit back and listen along with celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Beyoncé as they are listening to their favorite music.
When the developers of Snoop and their staff arrive at a ski chalet in France, staff members, Erin and Danny think it will be business as usual. Danny is there to Cook and Erin will keep the chalet and their rooms clean and ensure that the guest has a good time.
When the staff at Snoop leave to go skiing before the impending storm arrives, all seems to be as well as can be expected. There is tension amongst the shareholders, and they will be discussing their options but first, they will ski, blow off some steam, and have some fun. Soon their group of eight becomes seven when one member does not come back. Then an avalanche hits and things really begin to go downhill from there. Soon, the tensions rise as the cold sets in. Not only do they not know who they can trust, but members of their group are also dying and not from the cold.
This book is told through the POV of Erin, the chalet employee, and Liz, the socially awkward minor shareholder in Snoop. Both have distinct personalities and thought processes. As the cold looms, and they wait to be rescued, suspicion and tension mounts.
I found this book to be an enjoyable read in a fabulous setting. A ski chalet, an avalanche, no electricity, thus no WIFI. They are really left to their own devices while trying to determine who amongst them is a killer. What should be a cozy and relaxing work getaway becomes a nightmare.
Will you guess the killer? Is anyone safe? Who has the most to gain from the murders? Who has the most to lose? This felt like a classic whodunit with a very apt title of One by One as the guests are dying one by one. Some may guess the killer; some may be surprised. Either way, I found this one to be a fun whodunit in a great location. I love it when there is no escape and no way of calling for help. Where do you hide? How do you stay safe? Heck, how do you stay warm? If the elements don’t get you, the killer certainly might!
Another enjoyable book by Ware. Some things I found a little unrealistic, such as having only two staff members on duty at a prestigious ski chalet. Erin is twenty-two, and although she does come off as very mature, it seemed unlikely that she would be put in charge of such a high-end place. But those are minor things that I was willing to overlooks and sit back and enjoy.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.