The Silent Wife (Will Trent #10)

by Karin Slaughter
Published by William Morrow Genres: Crime, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: eBook

Nineteen years ago, Karin Slaughter wrote the first book in her Grant County series and she has been my favorite ever since. Karin Slaughter fans know that the books began with the Grant County Series and then the Will Trent Series came along with Sara doing a crossover and the rest is history folks. If you have not read these two series, I highly recommend them. Be warned – they are dark, full of heinous crime, full of love, full of suspense, full of medical and investigative jargon, and simply my favorite page turners of all time. She has had some awesome stand-alone books as well. Okay, I am done fangirling and gushing….

Atlanta, Georgia – A young woman is brutally attacked and left for dead. After investigation, the case unfortunately turns cold. That is until GBI investigator Will Trent is at a crime scene in a state penitentiary and a prisoner says he recognizes the MO – after all, he was committed for the same type of crime years ago. He always claimed he was innocent, he always blamed/claimed Jeffrey Tolliver, put the wrong man behind bars.

As Will and his team begin to investigate, ghosts of the past come back. The biggest one being Jeffrey Tolliver, Sara’s dead husband (Sara and Will are a HOT item, in case you have not read the books). There is a lot of history that is about to be dug up. To give some background, as I previously mentioned, Sara Linton is Will’s girlfriend but was once the pediatrician and medical examiner of Grant County where she was married, divorced and married again to Jeffrey Tolliver, who was the Chief of Police.

This book was a roller coaster ride for many reasons. Told through the past and present, readers got to see Jeffrey Tolliver again! This was fun and bittersweet all at the same time. Boy did I want to punch Slaughter in the face after she ripped my heart out at the end of the Grant County series. Like King, she is not afraid to kill her darlings. It was a nice walk down memory lane. Plus, we got more information on the crimes, the investigation, and saw things from Jeffrey’s POV. LOVED IT!

In the present day, we see Will, Faith, Amanda, Sara, and even Lena. We also see their investigation, the strain the investigation puts on Will and Sara’s relationship (how could it not?) and even learn the truth. Amanda still wants things ASAP! Faith continues to be a funny, strong, single mother, investigator and partner to Will. Will continues to be Will and Sara continues to be Sara. Which are all great things. We also get to see members of Sara’s family and I continue to love Sara’s Mothers love and wise words.

“My precious child, her mother said. Let me carry the burden of your hate. Let me do that for you so that you can move on.”

But along the way, this was a love letter for fans of both series. A bloody, dark and suspenseful love letter! Bless her heart! I loved every single page of this book.

“With Jeffrey, Sara had known that there were dozens, possibly hundreds of other women who could love him just as intensely as she did. With Will, Sara was keenly aware that she was the only woman on earth who could love him the way that he deserved to be loved.”

Just as Will Trent deserves to be loved, Karin Slaughter deserves to be loved for writing this book! I found this book to be well thought out, perfectly paced, and engrossing. As present and past collided in this book, things just got better and better, not to mention, more riveting, more dangerous and darker! Just the way I like it!

Most books work as a stand-alone. Not this one. Not really. You NEED to read them all. That’s right start with the Grant County Series and then move on to the Will Tent Series. Fans of Slaughter and these series will not be disappointed.

In case I did not make myself perfectly clear – This book was AWESOME!

p.s. READ the Author’s note. You’re welcome!

Thank you to HarperCollins, William Morrow, Edelweiss and Karin Slaughter for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

