Published by Lake Union Publishing Genres: Fiction, Gothic, Historical Fiction, Horror, Paranormal
Format: ARC, eBook

Kate Granger returns to her parent’s home on Lake Superior upon learning that her husband was having an affair. She hopes to use the time there to think about her life and start over. Unfortunately, one morning along with her father and her father’s friend, Johnny, she came across the body of a young woman on the shores of the lake. What is most shocking to Kate, is that she recognizes the woman from dreams she has been having. Not only does she recognize the woman, she somehow knows that there is a baby tucked in the folds of her nightgown. Kate’s reaction to seeing the woman’s body and finding the baby, make her a possible suspect in the death of the woman. Side note – I didn’t see what was so suspicious about her reaction to seeing the dead woman and baby. I think if I found two dead bodies, I would have a strong reaction as well. Just saying…..
Even though the police are suspicious of her, Kate is still able to travel to Wharton to visit her cousin, Simon and the bed and breakfast he runs out of the former home of their great-grandfather, Harrison Connor. Things get even stranger while she stays in her family’s home and as she attempts to put the pieces together, it appears that ghosts of the past are all around her. What secrets might the lake have?
This book is told through the past and the present though alternating chapters. I enjoyed both equally. In the past we meet Addie and Jess. Addie was literally born in the lake and Jess was the one who found her floating in the water. They had a close bond from that time on and no one was shocked when they married years later.
Wendy Webb sets her books about lakes and uses a supernatural element in them. She writes books with plots that are tied to the past, with old mansions, strong female characters, age old secrets, and yes, ghosts. Her books are described as Northern Gothic and do have an eerie and atmospheric feel to them. She also threw in a tragic love story and mysterious lake creature/entity into the mix her as well. This book had a little bit of everything, but it is not scary or creepy (at least in my opinion). It has more of an eerie feel to it, even with the supernatural elements, it won’t scare of have readers sleeping with the lights on. Plus, even with death in the book, there is nothing graphic or gory. There is mystery and the story really revolves around the past and present story-line’s and Kate’s attempt to make sense of her dreams and experiences.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was invested in learning if Kate would learn the woman’s identity. What brought the woman to the lake? Why was she murdered? How does the lake tie in? What is going on in the bed and breakfast? Will the case ever be solved? Why was a missing person’s report not filed?
I think this book is perfect for those who enjoy lighter (not scary) Gothic ghost stories involving some mystery, glimpses into the past, romance and intrigue.
Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.