Published by Hoover, Ink. Inc Genres: Contempory, Family, Fiction, Mystery, Romance
Format: eBook

Here’s a book with some bite! It also gives new meaning to the term “if at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
Colleen Hoover has created yet another highly readable, captivating, and fast read that is quite different from her other books.
Lowen Ashleigh is a struggling author who is dealing with the recent loss of her mother and the loss of a home when a writing job comes at just the right moment! Bestselling author, Verity Crawford, injured in an accident is not able to complete her successful series. Her husband, Jeremy Crawford has hired Lowen to complete his wife’s series. Like Lowen, Jeremy is no stranger to loss. His twin daughters have both died tragically and his wife, Verity, has been in a terrible accident.
When Lowen arrives at their home and begins to go through Verity’s paperwork and notes, she discovers Verity’s unfinished autobiography. Lowen can’t stop reading, completely engrossed with Verity’s admissions, secrets, and revelations. She wants to keep the journal a secret, but can she keep it to herself for long?
There is a creepiness to this book as well as a sense of foreboding and dread. just as Lowen could not put down Verity’s autobiography, I could not put this book down! Wanting to know what was going on, I dove into the pages and the lives of the characters. As the story progresses the suspense builds, I just knew something was going to happen!
I go long stretches between reading Hoover’s book and then wonder why as I have enjoyed all the ones I have read. As I mentioned, this is a little off the beaten path for her and this one also has more graphic sex scenes. Some won’t mind, some will. But what will most think of the ending?
Yes, that ending. I honestly did not see THAT coming. I thought she did a great job of pulling the wool over my eyes. Will the wool be pulled over yours as well? My only complaint – the ending felt abrupt. Interesting, yes…. but abrupt. Otherwise, this was quite the page-turner for me and I’m glad she tried something new. This one is darker, edgier, and more intense than her other books.