by David McCullough
Published by Simon & Schuster Genres: History, Nonfiction, War
Format: Hardcover

How did a group of farmers beat the English Empire? Through blood, sweat and tears. Noted American Historian, David McCullough, beautifully tells the story of the birth of the United States of America. He takes just one year in the American Revolution to tell how both sides of the war felt and thought. He shows how King George III thought of the Colonists as petulant children who did not have any legitimate complaints. He showed how George Washington was worried about the chance of Victory for the Colonists despite how optimistic he appeared in public. Both larger than live leaders, on either sides of the Atlantic, are shown as human. One thought he would easily win (King George III) and one had doubts (George Washington) as he held the fate of the Colonies in his hands. There is a lot of historical information given as one would expect from such a book. Battles I had never heard of were discussed in detail. McCullough excels in doing his research and writing about history in such a riveting manner. The harsh elements, spread of disease, the battles, lack of supplies, and the horrors of battle are vivid and powerful. David McCullough is a gifted writer who does not disappoint.

Highly recommend!

