Published by St. Martin's Press Genres: Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, Paperback

Where is Molly Harper?
Did she just walk away?
Was she the one who wrote the note?
Did she really want to start over and leave her past behind?
Racked with quilt, heartache, pain Molly Harper is a shell of the woman she once was. Her daughter is dead. She feels (knows) that everyone in her family blames her. She feels unwanted, unloved and utterly devastated.
She doesn’t return home one night after driving to see her son play football. Her car was found abandoned, clothing at a local casino, a note left behind.
Her family is told women do this all the time – they simply WALK AWAY
A search called off, a daughter wanting answers…….
Where is Molly?
Bring it on Wendy Webb!!!!
Woohoo! Yes, Yes, and Yes! This one grabbed me from page one and did not let go. Whew! She has done it again. I was entranced and captivated for the entire book. Nuff said! But of course, I will say more. This book had some twists and turns. It also had many suspects and had me reading with my super sleuth hat on. I am not a fan of reveals that come out of left field and some will think that this one did but if you read closely who might not think that way. Well, you might think that a little – but – man, was this good!
What a ride, Wendy, what a tense suspenseful ride!
Highly recommend.
BTW, if I ever go missing someone better be looking for me longer than two weeks. I don’t care what the note might say. Just putting that out there!
Thank you to Wendy Walker and St. Martin’s Press who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.