Published by Berkley Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Paranormal, Supernatural
Format: eBook

The secret is, vampires are real and I am one.
The secret is, I’m stealing from you what is most truly yours and I’m not sorry
Talk about getting sucked in (pun intended) by a book! The narrator of this book tells us that he is an unreliable narrator at the very beginning. He is a fourteen-year-old vampire who has lived 60 years as a vampire (so I guess, he is really 74 years old) He tells us about his life before, how he was changed and life after becoming a vampire.
He lives underground with other vampires and shares his experiences with humans, the scene in 1970’s NYC. Life is pretty much easy for him and he does as he pleases until one day, he witnesses something in the subway, something curious, something interesting, and something deadly, something hunting, something dangerous, something that will change things in those tunnels he calls home.
This was a fun, campy, entertaining read. At various parts of this book, my rating changed, it went from a 5 star to a 3 star to a 4-star rating, but then that ENDING! HOLY HELL that ending. It was out of this world. In the land of I-did-not-see-that-coming, that ending knocked my socks off and left me sitting with my mouth open.
Don’t let the creepy cover deter you, this book was good. These are not the Twilight vampires; these vampires will knock your socks off. This is a bloody good book. Seriously, bloody good.