Published by FlatIron Books Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction
Format: ARC, Paperback

“My life has been a migration without a destination, and that in itself is senseless.”
Fanny Stone is a lost woman wandering around, searching for answers about those in her past while trying to make sense of her life. She has suffered many losses in her life and sets out on a journey to follow Arctic terns to their final migration. She convinces Ennis Malone, the captain of a shipping vessel to let her join his crew as they follow the terns who they hope will lead them to fish. For this is the crew’s last haul. Animals, with the exception of house pets, are extinct, the seas are almost out of fish and Fanny believes this will be the Arctic terns last migration. She sleepwalks and has wanderlust like her mother before her. Franny, like the sea, is erratic and unpredictable.
“I have never feared the sea. I have loved it with every breath of my, every beat of my heart.”
This book is told in varying timelines, but the headings let us know when and where the story is taking place. I found this story telling technique worked in this book, as it symbolizes how erratic and unreliable Franny herself is. This book seeps with sadness and gloom. It is not an uplifting book and tells the tale of a sad life. Having said that, it was beautifully written full of beautiful passages.
” Only quiet is a different beast when it finds you. A perfect kind of thing until you have it and it turns on you.”
Heartbreaking and Haunting, Migrations is a story of survival, loss, love and facing the truth.
Thank you to Flatioron books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.