The Girls In The Snow

by Stacy Green
Published by Bookouture Genres: Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

I have a new series to sink my eyes (teeth) into! If you love a good mystery, an intriguing plot and strong female protagonist, this book (series) may be for you as well!

Nikki Hunt has come home to Stillwater, Minnesota after twenty years. She left after her parents were murdered and has returned to investigate a case where two fifteen-year-old girls were discovered frozen in the snow. Now a Special Agent/FBI profiler, she throws herself into solving their case while being me with protestors who believe that the man who was sent to prison for murdering her family, was wrong convicted.

Past and present will collide in this book. While attempting to track down a killer, Nikki cannot help but wonder if the wrong man is behind bars in her parents’ case. Plus, could the crime from her past be connected to the present crime? Will Nikki catch a killer? Will the truth ever be known? Will justice prevail?

I knew I was going to enjoy this book after reading the first pages. My super sleuth hat was on and I was on the case with Nikki trying to figure out whodunit. The Girls in the Snow is a riveting, beautifully written page turner which had me guessing. There are a few twists and turns and Green proved to have a trick or two up her sleeve and pulled the wool over my eyes.

This was a fantastic start to a new series, and I will be highly anticipating reading the next book! The plot sucked me in, and Green has created both likeable and unlikeable characters which made things interesting and keep the story moving at a very nice pace. I loved that nothing felt drawn out or rushed in this book. Nikki is a great female protagonist, and I was rooting for her the entire book. I look forward to learning more about her in future books.

Thank you to Stacy Green, Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

