Published by Scribner Genres: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Mystery, Romance
Format: Hardcover

This was a very unique book. I found the writing to be quite beautiful. The alternating story lines really appealed to me. I often don’t like when books alternate between characters points of view but in this book it really worked for me. I found the characters to be very unique and original.
Coralie is the daughter of the owner of the Museum of Extrodinary Things. It’s no Museum, it’s a freak show where Coralie is featured as a Mermaid. She was born with webbed fingers and her father uses her disfigurement (as he uses all of his performers) to make money. She is taught to swim, hold her breath for long periods of time so she can be a featured performer in his museum/show. She preforms along with the Wolf man and the Butterfly girl.
Eddie is a photographer who does not want to work in his father’s apprentice in his tailor shop. He provides the other voice in this book and happens to Photograph the famous Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire. He and Coralie meet while he is taking photos on night in the moonlight.
I can’t do this book justice. I don’t know how to. I only know how to say this book should be read and then possibly re-read as there are so many wonderful parts. This book was very hard to put down especially the last part of the book.
Highly recommend.