A House at the Bottom of a Lake

by Josh Malerman
Published by Random House - Ballantine Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Novella, young adult
Format: ARC, eBook

What did I just read? I am not sure. Plus, the ending, I do not even know what to say about that.

Two teenagers go on a date, to a lake, through a tunnel to another lake. What? Only to find a house at the bottom of the lake. I like to think that I am a good swimmer, but I don’t think I could hold my breath that long or see so well under water……Nor, do I feel I would do so well with diving equipment with no experience using it. But I am not seventeen, on my first date, in a canoe, on a lake…

Jeepers. This was original. I cannot think of anything like it. But it was also strange yet compulsively readable. I was not quite sure what was going on and yet I had to keep reading to find out, only to have THAT ending and I am still not sure what I read. Especially the ending. I am not even going to mention that as I cannot form a coherent thought on that.

Bizarre, original, strange, interesting, slow. Ugh! I was all over the place reading this novella. One can read this in one sitting. It was a quick read for me. I still do not know what to make of this. I enjoy magical realism but cannot quite figure this one out…and yet…. I could not stop reading it. It’s like driving past an car accident. You don’t want to look, you know you should not but you can’t help it and slow down, do some rubber necking to see the gruesome sight. That pretty much sums up how I feel about this book.

If you read reviews, they are at both sides of the spectrum. You will either really appreciate this one, not like it or be somewhere in the middle with me. You got to hand it to Malerman, he does have original ideas. What goes on in that mind of his?

I received a copy of this book from Random House Publishing – Ballantine Del Rey and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

