
by Marissa Meyer
Published by Feiwel & Friends Genres: Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Fiction, Retelling, Romance
Format: Hardcover

A Heart, once stolen, can never be taken back.

Oh how delicious this book was!

Catherine loves to bake. She dreams of owning her own bakery one day. She would love to just bake and bake and bake. It makes her happy and gives her purpose. Her parents, on the other hand, have other plans for her. For you see, the King fancies her. One cannot be Queen and bake delectable pastries at the same time! Not here, Not in Wonderland!

At a Royal ball where the King is expected to propose to her, she meets Jest, the new Joker. He is handsome, funny and catches Cat’s eye. She finds the King to be nice, but it is Jest who makes her feel alive. Not wanting to disappoint her family, she enters a secret relationship with Jest.

I had so much fun reading this book. All the Wonderland characters are there: the mad hatter who is not quite “Mad”, the Jabberwocky, Cheshire cat. But mainly I enjoyed this re-telling about how the Queen of Heart came about.

“Her rage split her open”

As I stated earlier there is something to so captivating and intriguing about this book. WE all know the Alice in Wonderland Story but what happened before Alice’s fateful trip to Wonderland? How can a lovely sweet young woman turn into someone so “heartless”? It is all her laid out for us. I sat down in the reading room of my favorite library and read this book in one sitting. I think I was smiling most of the time and when I wasn’t smiling, my heart was breaking for young lovers and those pressured by family, circumstance and duty.

“Over everything, I choose you.”

I choose this book! Brilliant and touching. I wanted to shake many of the characters for their bad decisions. This book had a lot of heart and I could see that a lot of love went into writing this book. It is clever, fun, beautiful, heartbreaking, tragic, and captivating. Meyer is a talented writer who brings these characters to life! My heart broke at the end but that was the point.

Highly Recommend! Go out and read this book and if you don’t then “Off with your head!”

