Published by Dutton Genres: Fiction, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

“I am my demons, and my demons are me.”
Frankie Elkin is a recovering alcoholic and amateur sleuth. She spends her time (and her life) moving from place to place searching for missing people. She works as a bartender to earn her keep while looking for those the police cannot find.
Angelique Badeau, a Haitian teenager has gone missing from Mattapan, a Boston neighborhood. She is a studious teen with ambitions of being a doctor. She disappears after school one day and the Boston PD, have been unable to locate her.
Armed with tenacity and questions, she begins her own search, one that many are not happy with. A search which will upset some, a search that will bring up more questions, answers, and rattle some feathers. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes and the ability to think like a teenager are all that is needed to uncover new clues. Often these skills, will also land you in hot water, place you in danger and make others uncomfortable.
This was an enjoyable read which kept me engaged although there were times, I wanted the book to hurry up a little bit. Frankie is a woman with a past that haunts her and we learn more about it as the book goes on. I found this to be both interesting and frustrating at the same time, but it does work to show how she moved from one addiction (alcohol) to another (searching for missing people) and what may be her motivating factor.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.