Genres: Crime, Mystery, Psychological Thriller, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

He collects his victims…but why? To what end? What is he collecting them for? What is his master plan?
Elspeth is taken first, then Meggy and finally Xavier. Why? Why them? He takes them but keeps them…hmmm He has issues as kidnappers and killers do, but is there something else going on here? Man, I was scratching my head trying to figure out what was driving the Shadow Man. He gives us clues, little glimpses but in the end it all comes together in that perfect “aha” moment.
Plus, that house! It had me stretching my mind muscles to try and figure it out. It felt like a maze, levels, things under the floors, etc. I thought, he must have them in the house, but then they say is he coming up? Made me think of the movie “The People under the Stairs” Not the storyline but the house.
The best part of the book was Connie Woolwine, an American forensic psychologist. A woman after my own heart. I loved her. She is smart, crafty and determined. She has a unique way of looking at things and is soon on the hunt. Her scenes and those with Brodie Baarda, a London detective, are what really made the book for me. There were times in the book, that my attention wavered, and I would lose interest but not her parts. I loved that the Author had both readers and Connie learning things about the Shadow man at the same time. Of course, we do know what is happening to the three kidnapped victims and that makes it fun to watch Connie and Baarda try and find them.
I waivered back and forth with my rating as there were times my attention lagged. There were parts that were slow – but I am glad I hung in there as the ending makes up for it. I hope to see Connie (and possibly Baarda) in future books (putting that out there with fingers crossed hoping and wishing). There was a part at the end that had me gasp out loud. I do not do eye stuff, just saying.
My advice is if this gets slow for you or does not seem to be working in the beginning, hang in there. It all comes together in the end. The killer is not like others who have read before. When you learn everything you learn about him, will your thoughts on him change? Will it all make sense? this had me grabbing my DSM 5 at lightning speed. Intriguing indeed.
Overall, an enjoyable read that has me wanting more of Connie Woolwine.
Thank you to Avon Books UK and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.