Published by Sourcebook's Landmark Genres: Adult Fiction, Contempory, Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook

Three dreams to get into Stanford. Three Daughters. Three Mothers. Three Motivations.
It is college admissions time at EBA (Elliot Bay Academy) in Seattle. Applications have been submitted, fingers have been crossed and lines have been crossed. Everyone is upset when Stanford announces that they are only allotting one slot to the school to non-athletes, students and parents alike are scrambling.
Alicia is a tech giant who is determined that her daughter, Brooke is going to attend Stanford. Alicia went there and wants her daughter to get in so bad she can taste it. It consumes her. Her daughter, on the other hand is ambivalent and at best, an average student. Alicia is willing and ready to what it takes for her daughter to attend Stanford.
Maren is Alicia’s assistant and her daughter; Winnie is the top of her class. She is intelligent, articulate and wants to go to Stanford so bad that she can taste it. Things get sticky as Alicia is Maren’s boss and has been paying Winnie’s tuition to EBA and has promised to also pay her college tuition as well. Maren cannot afford the tuition and hopes Alicia keeps her promise of paying for Winnie’s college education.
Kelly, a Stanford alum, has three children attending EBA and uses her influence with the PTA and insider knowledge to try to get her fragile daughter, Krissie, into Stanford. She wants her daughter to go to Stanford so bad that she can taste it. She is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure her daughter in the student from EBA who attends Stanford.
But with only one spot left, who will get in? Who will Stanford select? Will big buck donations help a student get admitted? Will underhanded actions be what it takes to get your child an acceptance letter? Will brains and hard work win Stanford over?
With just one slot available, who will come out on top?
Days before final applications are due, a student has a near fatal accident. But is it an accident? It does not appear to be. But who would do such a thing? Is it a coincidence? Was it an accident? Is it related to the admission process?
Talk about a timely read with the college admissions bribery scandal in 2019 which involved celebrities and wealthy parents getting caught cheating, bribing and scheming to get their children into top universities. Jeepers, just what will parents do to see their children get ahead. Plus, what message are you sending your children? In this book, the antics of some parents are quite dastardly, produce eye rolls and comical at times.
Who knew college admissions were so cutthroat! Every parent wants the best for their child, but what if your dreams for your child do not coincide with their wants and dreams? What if you wanted something so badly for them that you lose all sense of right and wrong? What if you do not care? What if you are willing to do ANYTHING to make things happen for your child?
This was a fun and gripping look at power, greed, privilege, losing sight of the important things, college admissions, and being supportive of your child. It was fun to watch as the story unraveled, and we get a glimpse into the mothers’ thoughts and motivations through their POV chapters. The book is also told in parts and each one shines.
Thought provoking, captivating and entertaining!
Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.