The Four Winds

by Kristin Hannah
Published by St. Martin's Press Genres: Contempory, Fiction, Historical Fiction
Format: eBook

“Sometimes those who give the most are the ones with the least to spare.” – Mike McIntyre

No, I did not tear up…. I had dust in my eyes.

Home and family often go hand in hand. But that was not initially the case for Elsa. She lived in her parents’ home, but never got to be part of the family. An illness caused them to keep her inside, away from the world, watching her sisters marry and her family socialize. Books kept her company, but she wanted more. A sense of Belonging is a deep-rooted need that we all have. A sense of belonging is what Elsa needed. At twenty-five years old, she was a spinster. Discouraged to go out, to wear bright clothing, to socialize or go to dances. Wanting to feel in control of her life, she decided she was going to make her own choices. Sneaking out of the house gave her a sense of freedom.
Right or Wrong she felt that with Rafe on a hot Texas night. The consequence of her time alone with him would change both of their lives.

When the dust bowl ravages Texas, thousands are out of work. Crops are failing, animals are dying, and people are facing hardships, illness and poverty. Faced with dire consequences, Elsa must make a choice, stay on the land or go west to California in hopes of having a better life.

Will California be the land of dreams? Will she and her children have a better life?

Kristin Hannah has created a historically accurate and emotion evoking read. Like some of her other books – this is a BIG book. It will take some time to get through and yet, it will suck you in and pull on your heartstrings. I found myself turning to Wikipedia to learn more about the dust bowl, the cotton fields in California, communism and anti- Okies sentiments.

As I mentioned this is an emotional roller coaster of a ride. Just how bad were things during the dust bowl? Just how depressing was the Great Depression? Kristin Hannah has crafted a novel that shows what life was like, how people endured and what sacrifices they made.

Beautifully written, moving and thought provoking.

