Published by Kensington Books Genres: Adult Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Oh, what a tangled web we weave….
Well, well, well, what do we have here??? A delightfully engrossing and fun book about one wealthy businessman and his unsuspecting three wives. Someone has shot Cyrus Grey and when two of his wives’ rush to the hospital they get more than they bargained for – the knowledge that their husband was a bigamist. The you-know-what is going to hit the fan!
Vanessa has been married to Cyrus for eleven years and they have three children together. She knew things were not right in her marriage, heck even she is up to no good on the side, but she was shocked to hear another woman say she was married to Cyrus.
Noelle, a former model, believes her marriage to Cyrus is solid. She desperately wants a child and would like to know why Cyrus does not want to have a child with her. She is flabbergasted when she rushes to the hospital and hears Vanessa say she is married to Cyrus.
Diamond is also married to Cyrus. He saved her from her former life. She is having her pretty woman moment, but her former life draws the attention of the police who believe that she may be a suspect in her husband’s shooting. How will she prove them wrong?
Oh, how deliciously fun this was! You can feel the deception dripping from the pages! If Shelly Ellis is not on your radar, she needs to be! This book is full of conniving, tomfoolery, sex, lies, anger, planning, scheming, and danger. So good!!! Try to put this one down! I dare you, try it!
The characters are interesting and the plot intriguing. I kept trying to wrap my mind around how he pulled it off. How do you have three wives – not sister wives – but three wives, three residences,
three set of bills, lifestyles, etc. HOW does he do it? Why are the women not suspicious? He cannot spend that much time with any of them. How much traveling can a businessman do?
Will you like all the characters? Will you feel sorry for any of them? There was one I felt sorry for. Sometimes I have a hard time with a book if I cannot feel for or root for the characters. But Ellis has created characters who you would like to dislike. Each is unique and has his/her own issues and things going on in their lives. This book is like a nighttime soap opera and I mean that in the best possible way. This book is marketed as a thriller, but I see it more as a domestic drama with suspense and the central mystery of who shot Cyrus and why or should I say who would not want to shoot him?
This was pure escapism reading and I look forward to the next book! This book is not too heavy nor it is too light, it is just perfect when you want to kick back and be entertained.
Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.