Published by Macmillan Tor/ Forge Genres: Adult Fiction, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Wowza! What a story!
All these things are true. And yet they are all lies…
When I first starting reading this, I was instantly intrigued!! A missing girl, a cat that reads the bible and a man with mental health issues! Bring-it-on!
And she does! Catriona Ward brings it on in this book. Try to go in knowing as little as possible. The synopsis is all you need to begin this book.
Because things get interesting and then *BAM* your socks will get knocked off. I loved how original this book was and how it was told. I enjoyed all the characters, but I will admit, Olivia the bible reading cat won me over! Holy Moly, a bible reading cat! Why yes! Aren’t all cats’ readers? They sure like hanging out in bookstores. But I digress…. Did I mention this book has a bizarre feel to it? No, well there is a bizarre feel to this book. An uneasy feel which permeates throughout the book. It’s unnerving and will have you scratching your head…
Initially, we know two things: a young girl has gone missing while enjoying the day at the lake with her family and a man named Ted lives in the house, he grew up in. He is basically reclusive and has mental health issues. I am being purposely vague as a.) I want readers to go in blind and b.) I think knowing too much will ruin parts of the book for you.
Whew! What a book! Again, go in blind. Along the forty percent mark, I started thinking hmmm….and wondering…. believing I had some things figured out….. Then the author brought it a little further in the book. There is a part where everything will make sense, you will understand why things feel bizarre, now things are becoming clear…. but not everything, not yet! Ward is not giving away the farm- all at once. She still saves some until the end.
This was a highly creative, original, and well thought out novel. Plus, it has a fantastic ‘aha’ moment! My head is spinning! I cannot wait to read what Ward writes next.
If this book is not on your radar, it needs to be!
Thank you to Macmillan-Tor/Forge and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.