The Soulmate Equation

by Christina Lauren
Published by Gallery Books Genres: Adult Fiction, Contempory, Romance, Women's Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook

DNA and dating/soulmate matching sites/apps seem to be all the rage these days in books. Heck, if you can find out your ancestry from a DNA Swab, whey not find your soulmate?

Statistician and single mom, Jess has not dated since her daughter, Juno, was born. But her best friend, Fizzy wants to put an end to that. BTW, Fizzy is the best! We all need a Fizzy in our lives! With Fizzy’s encouragement, Jess submits here sample and is soon called into GeneticAlly, a buzzy new DNA-based matchmaking company. There she learns she has been matched to Americano, err, I mean Dr. River Pena. He is hot, he is sexy, and he is smart like her! No wonder he is her perfect match! But is he? Numbers do not lie, do they? Is she ready to dive back into the dating pool? Will there be sparks? Will he be ready to dive in that dating pool as well?

Every time I pick up a Christina Lauren book, I wonder why I have not read more of their work. I have enjoyed every single book that I have read by this dynamic writing duo. This book is no exception. It was fun, witty, smart, heartwarming and had likeable characters with depth, emotion, and intelligence. Both characters have a strong connection to their family which was a nice touch. I mention that as many contemporary romance books have characters who have family issues, or no family and go off to other countries where they find love. Not that I have a problem with them but… It was nice to read a book where a single mom is dealing with real life issues such as raising a child, worrying about paying the bills and who will watch her child while she goes on dates. While River, works too much and must find a balance for dating in his life. That is my long-winded way of saying the characters and their lives felt realistic.

This was a delightful book that left me smiling.


Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book. All the thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

