Published by Berkley Genres: Adult Fiction, Contempory, Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

With friends like these….
Sophie and Graham O’Neill and their young song move from Chicago to a small town in Texas. Hoping to get away from busy city life, they settle into their beautiful home in quiet community. But there is quiet and then there is too quiet. Sophie soon begins to feel bored; she is used the hustle and bustle of the city. To cure her boredom and quest for excitement, she finds herself drawn to Margot, a glamorous socialite and ringleader of her tight nit clique known as “The Hunting Wives” What exactly are they hunting? Besides targets, booze comes to mind among other things. These women live life to the extreme and take their shooting seriously.
Soon, Sophie is a member of the group and things begin to change for her. She wants to have fun, but at what cost? She cannot really claim the devil made her do it, when she saw how the women behaved and joined in with gusto.
This book started a little slow for me but quickly picked up and became a fun read. I was curious to see just how out of control and reckless these women would become! Would their late-night shenanigan’s catch up with then? Sophie soon finds that all that glitters is not gold when police show up at her door and she finds herself in the midst of their investigation.
As the twists and turns came about, things got juicy. This was a fun twisty book. While reading, I kept thinking this would make a fun movie as well. It is thrilling, sexy, has a mystery, there is drama, and a character who is slowly spinning out of control.
Fun, Juicy and Dangerous
Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.