Published by Bookouture Genres: Adult Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Ten years ago he killed my son. Today I married him.
So juicy that I recommend going in blind. The blurb tells you everything you need to know. Tom and Jesse were best friends who went to a bar one night and one was left dead and another sentenced to ten years in prison. When Tom is released, everyone is shocked when he announces that he has married his dead friends’ mother.
A whole lot of juicy.
But that is only the beginning. This is a tangled web that slowly unravels and gets juicer by the page.
If you think you have things figured out, think again!
This was a pleasing (juicy) tale which did not disappoint! This book is full of likeable and unlikeable characters. Each has his/her own issues. Each has a tale to tell. Some characters are sympathetic, some not so much. Some I wanted to shake and some I did not trust.
There is a lot of food for thought here. A woman marries her son’s killer. A young man married his dead friend’s mother. A mother fears that her son made a wrong decision. Another mother wants to protect her child. The characters here really did save that drama for their mama. Whew!
Be warned, the book jumps around in time. The chapters are headed with the character who is giving POV and year, but if you are too busy flipping the pages to find out what is going to happen, you may miss it.
Jumping timelines aside, this was a fast entertaining read. Pure drama. As the plot unfolds, the pace picks up and I was turning the pages at breakneck speed. Karma is everything, my friends.
Another winner from K.L. Slater
Dramatic, entertaining, and Juicy.
Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.