Girl One

Published by Farr, Straus, and Giroux/MCD Genres: Dystopian, Fantasy, Fiction, Mystery, Science Fiction, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

There is what you know about your life, then there is the “truth” about your life.

Josephine Morrow (Girl One) may have been the first, but there were more “miracle babies” born on a commune called the homestead. Dr. Joseph Bellanger created nine miracle babies (all female) conceived without male DNA. Their existence troubled people. There was outrage, anger, and fear. When a mysterious fire burned down the homestead, killing two people, the women took their daughters and fled. Hoping to start new lives, safe lives, out of the public eye.

Years later Josephine Morrow (Girl One) has learned that her mother, Margaret Morrow (Mother One) is missing. Naturally, she is worried and returns to their home, where another mysterious fire has occurred. Is there a connection? All her mother’s belongings are still there including a phone number for a journalist. Could he hold the answers? Does he know something? Soon the duo is on a guest to find the truth…

Science fiction blends with mystery and fantasy in this book. I was excited by the synopsis and thought this would be a thrilling, dark and suspenseful book. For me, although enjoyable and intriguing, it left me wanting more. I admit, I am not a big Science Fiction reader and fantasy is hit or miss for me, but I thought it would work for me in this book as it is also marketed as being a thriller and dystopian. Two genres I love. This book took me longer than usual to read as I kept putting it down to focus on other things as I was not fully invested in this book. Having said that, I enjoyed the quest-for-truth aspect in this book. There are secrets, truths, and shocks for the characters.

Original, thought provoking and Intriguing.

Thank you to Farrar, Straus, and Giroux and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

