Published by Bookouture Genres: Drama, Fiction, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Their “Forever Home” must be one amazing house!
Carly loves her home. She has always lived there. She inherited the cliffside home from her mother. She hopes to leave it to her children one day. It is a masterpiece. Sitting high on a cliff, with breathtaking views of the Sea. The house always needs uptake. The elements are not kind to it. Carly’s husband, Mark, re-designed and redecorated it. He did such an amazing job, that his efforts made him famous. Or was it Carly’s efforts that made him famous? She filmed it, she told him what to say, she posted videos on social media, she found a way to get support from local businesses to keep working on the house. hmm…. But one thing is certain, it was their family home. They raised their two children there. There kept their secrets there – safe and sound high on a cliff. What could go wrong?
The evening of their decedent anniversary party, Carly learns that Mark has fallen in love with someone else. When she learns who he is in love with, she must pick her jaw up off the floor. Shocked, humiliated, and angry, Carly has had enough.
It is her family home, and she is going to keep it. It was where she grew up, where her children grew up, why shouldn’t she keep it? But there is someone who feels entitled to the home. Someone who wants her out. Someone who will do anything to claim it.
This was a deliciously fun and entertaining book. I loved the drama of it, the angst, the characters, the fighting. This was a fast read which kept me engaged, turning the pages, and guessing what would happen next. There are some twists, turns and reveals along the way. With each twist and tiny reveal, my enjoyment grew. Watson knows how to dazzle and wow readers. Are her characters being over the top or behaving as someone wronged would behave? That is for readers to decide. I loved that there were likeable, questionable, and extremely unlikeable characters in this book. This kept me on my toes while trying to decide the motivation of certain characters.
Will the ending blow you away? It did me.
Fast paced, gripping, entertaining and dramatic!
Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.