Published by FlatIron Books Genres: Adult Fiction, Crime, Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

BLOG TOUR -July 12, 2021
*Its my stop on the Blog tour. Thank you to Clare McLaughlin, Senior Publicist at Flatiron Books for inviting me to participate.
Two Fathers Traveling down a road called Vengeance….
Ike and Buddy Lee are two fathers, both ex-cons, who struggled with their son’s sexuality, who ban together to get answers when their sons are brutally murdered. Now struggling with the loss of their sons, their guilt over how they rejected their sons, they go on an action-packed mission seeking answers and retribution.
“There was no path that led anywhere except down a long road as dark as your first night in hell and paved all along the way with bad intentions. They could call what they were seeking justice, but that didn’t make it true. It was unquenchable, implacable vengeance.”
Talk about putting the pedal to the metal!
As the two men learn more about those in their sons lives and follow clues to what led to their murders, Ike and Buddy Lee learn about themselves and each other as well. Ike is black and Buddy Lee is white. While searching for the truth of what happened to their sons, they also look at the “truths” in their own lives. They reflect on how they were raised, their criminal histories, their regrets, and their grief. Both come to terms with rejecting their sons and how they missed out on their sons lives. They have discussions on race, racism, prejudice and sexuality. With nothing in common but their grief, they will not stop until they get answers and payback.
“I could kill them all a thousand times and it wouldn’t even come close to being enough. But it would always be worth it.”
These men, these two men! Man, oh man! They had me rooting for them the entire way. They are hardcore, brutal and street smart. They are two of many in this book but even with all the characters, you will not get confused or have difficulty keeping track of everyone.
Cosby starts his book strong and does not let up! If you have not read his work before, I encourage you to do so. He is such a gifted and beautiful writer. He has a gift for writing fully fledged characters. His descriptions transport readers to the character’s world, introduces us to their pain, bares their souls and deposits readers in the heart of the action.
To say that I loved this book is an understatement. It deserves all the stars and even that is not enough. I mentioned his writing in the previous paragraph, and I will mention it one last time – it is FANTASTIC! I loved it! It is gritty, raw, and evokes emotion! Whew!
Cosby also touches on serval themes in this book: guilt, loss, sexuality, race, criminals, fatherhood, family, regret, grief, and love. He balances out the violence and heavy topics with bits of humor. I felt so many emotions while reading this gripping book. Will he leave you with razorblade tears falling down your cheeks?
S.A. Cosby came on my radar with Blacktop Wasteland and I jumped on the opportunity to read this book. I must say that Cosby has outdone himself with this book! He completely blew me away! This was a riveting page turner which had me fully engrossed in the book not wanting to put it down!
Gripping, raw, gritty and thought provoking!
Highly recommend.
Thank you to Flatiron Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.