Published by Orion Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Format: Hardcover

We’ll be best friends forever because you already know too much.
Ahh, the friendships we make in our youth. It’s a time of bonding, of growth, of maturing, and coming into your own. But it can also be a reckless time. When you are young you feel invincible, you have your whole life in front of you, you feel nothing can touch you! But what happens when tragedy strikes?
Six friends: Dan, Xav, Amber, Talitha, Megan & Felix, are looking forward to bright futures. They have been studying hard, getting good grades. When one of them suggests a way to let off some steam, they go for it. What could go wrong?
Their joyride(s) end with the death of a woman and her two young children. Life isn’t so fun anymore. Scrambling, worried about their futures, eighteen-year-old, Megan steps up to take the blame for all of them. Is she their best friend ever or is she a naïve young girl who wants their friendship? That terrible, tragic night, after Megan steps up, she tells them that they will owe her a ‘favour’ when all is said and done.
Twenty years later, Megan is released from prison. Her friends have gone on to complete college, have jobs, most have married, one has chidden, basically they have moved on. While Megan has health issues and a desire to reconnect. How will the others react? I’m always happy to reconnect with old friends, but this lot, well….
I had fun with this book. With everything on the line, what would you do? This book has a lot of dread and tension. Several times while reading this book I was reminded of the saying “with friends like these….” The Pact has a cat and mouse merged with an everyman/woman for his/herself vibe to it. As everyone scrambles in this book, it was fun to watch as everything comes crumbling down around them.
I really enjoy Bolton’s storytelling, and this was not exception. She had me guessing and created some really interesting and when I say interesting, I mean, unlikeable characters.
When I got to the end I thought, are you kidding me!?! Seriously, are you kidding me? Come on!
Then I calmed down and thought okay, I mean I guess it works but…. are you kidding me?
The twist was shocking! I did not see that coming AT ALL!!
With friends like these….