Published by AmazonCrossing Genres: Nonfiction
Format: eBook

It is absolutely heartbreaking to know that this book is one man’s true story of living in and escaping from North Korea. Horrible to know that these things happen. in today’s world this is still occurring in North Korea. Masaji Ishikawa is half-Japanese, half-Korean. He never felt like he belonged anywhere. He never felt accepted. He spent his early years in Japan, but his family moved to North Korea when he was thirteen years old. His father, a Korean national, believed there was abundant work waiting there for him. The promise of education for his children and having a higher social standing was also enticing. Once they arrived, the family became members of the lowest social caste. n Masaji’s Japanese mother began to wither. She had a sad existence. Her husband was physically abusive, and she was an outsider in Korea.
Life was brutal in North Korea. Existence there was devastating, harsh and heartbreaking. It is a brutal and horrific life and Masaji details his existence, his jobs, family life, health issues and his decision to escape.
Not an easy read but I feel a necessary one. It is gut wrenching to think about the conditions people live in. A country where you must escape because you can’t willingly leave. Hard to read at times, this also shows the will to survive, the will to make a better life and the resiliency of a man who was willing to risk all in search of a better life.