Published by Berkley Genres: Contempory, Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: eBook

“Being loved is one thing, being hated is another, but there is nothing worse than being ignored.”
School is in session! Grab your pencils, make sure your laptop is charged, and be prepared to learn because Samantha Downing is at the board, teaching us all how it’s done!!!!!
Teddy Crutcher is teacher of the year at the esteemed Belmont Academy. He teaches the best and the brightest. But they must earn their grades. He can’t be bought or influenced. He is tough on his students – but it is for their own good. He wants them to excel, to succeed, to have bright futures. What else would one expect from the Teacher of the Year?
I don’t think I have had this much fun reading a book – EVER! There are quite a few characters which distinct and contribute to the story. Their POV’s give us more insight into their thoughts, motivations and relationships with others. We also get to see what they say vs. what they know. With the various characters there are minor subplots being told as well. All come together brilliantly in the end.
Downing had me on my toes the entire book! Like her other books, For Your Own Good was well written, compelling and had me glued to my seat, completely immersed in this book. The pacing is spot on, there is never any down time, the characters are interesting, annoying, devilish, devious and so fun to read. Teddy was a character I loved to hate. I’m purposely not mentioning other characters as I feel it is best to know only the bare basics going into this book.
Will you get schooled reading this book? Readers know a lot, but we don’t know everything! Downing has her lesson plan, the bell has rung, you better pray you are the teacher’s pet, because by the time class is over, you will be dazzled by her brilliance.
What a deliciously, diabolical, delightful and fun read!
The hype is real!!!
Highly Recommend.