Published by Simon & Schuster Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance
Format: ARC, eBook

“Some stories begin at the beginning and others begin at the end, but all the best stories begin in a library.”
Alice Hoffman continues to bewitch and dazzle me with her writing and this book is no exception. I loved falling into the pages of this book, being reunited with some characters, and having characters of the past mentioned again. It all comes full circle.
If you are not familiar with the series, the Owens family has been cursed when it comes to love for over 300 years. DO NOT FALL IN LOVE or the cures will take effect.
This book begins in a library and with the appearance of a deathwatch beetle brings the knowledge that an ending for one is coming soon. The Owens family is a tight knit group who love each other deeply. But what happens when they love others? You got it – the CURSE!
As they attempt to save a young man, they learn secrets, undiscovered truths, and the meaning of sacrifice.
“When you save someone’s life, they belong to you, no matter what they might say.”
Hoffman’s writing is beautiful, moving, lyrical and beguiling. She has the ability to transport her readers to the various locations in this book. It’s pure magic! Her descriptions are vivid and crisp. Her characters are likeable and endearing.
“What begins can end. What is done can be undone. What is sent in the world comes back to you three tines over.
So go out, do good, love, and if you have not read this series, you need to do so, but I suggest not starting with this book. To fully appreciate this book, read the other books first.
Thank you to Simon & Shuster and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.