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by Mark Edwards
Published by Thomas & Mercer Genres: Crime, Fiction, Mystery, suspense, thriller
Format: Audiobook

Why, why, why are Mark Edwards’s books so hard to get my hands (and eyes) on? They are so enticingly good. I am never disappointed. I am always enthralled and left feeling entertained, captivated, and happy when I read them.

If you have not read his books and enjoy this genre, I highly recommend his books.

. Putrescent. Putrescent. Putrescent.

It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. A time for them to get even closer – but it became a nightmare! Daniel and Lauren are thrown off a train in the middle of nowhere in Romania. It’s late at night, dark and the woods are menacing. They hope to find a station, what they find is a never-ending nightmare!

Back in London, they agree to never talk about what happened. But it’s not as easy as they think it will be. Because they nightmare is not over…

I listened to the audiobook, and it was fantastic. I enjoyed the narrator, and the plot drew me in and had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see how things would end.

Edwards never disappoints. This was another intense and riving book.

