Published by Arcade Genres: Contempory, Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook

Translated from Japanese, So We Look to the Sky, was a best seller and award winner in Japan. This book has connected stories beginning with an affair between a teenage Takumi and an older married woman he knows as Anzu. Their rendezvous take place in her apartment and involve cosplay sex. Their liaisons are made public by her husband and frames the other stories. Each involves their own issues ranging from love, loss, sex, fertility, bullying, public humiliation, and the roles women play in society.
This was an interesting and raw book. Each chapter has a different POV with characters that we have seen in other chapters. There is a connectedness in this book. It did leave me wanting to know more about the characters and what happened to them. The story is engaging, frank, at times heartbreaking and interesting. This book was translated, and everything flowed nicely.
I received a copy of this book from the Publisher and Edelweiss. The opinions are my own.