Published by St. Martin's Press Genres: Adult Fiction, Contempory, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

Life’s a beach and then……
A remote island, friends, fun, sand, sunshine, and the blue, blue sea…what more could you ask for?
Lux and her boyfriend, Nico are hired by Brittany and Amma to take them to Meroe Island, a secluded island with a dark history. It’s off the beaten path, and they want to do something different. Lux had just lost her job and although slightly uneasy about the trip, she agrees as Nico is onboard with it. So they set sail, in Nico’s boat the Savannah. One they get to the picture-perfect island; they see that they are not alone. There is a yacht anchored there. Jake and Eliza are on board and soon the 6 are fast friends – exploring and hanging out by day, drinking, and partying at night. It seems like the perfect getaway until a stranger arrives and things begin to change.
Now their perfect getaway is less than perfect. Things begin to be strained, relationships are tested, and doubt sets in. They all begin to feel the weight of what it means to be truly cut off from civilization. Island Fever x 10!
This was pure escapism reading for me. I found it easy to be drawn into the story. I felt as if I was a silent observer on the beach with them, wondering how much booze can one boat hold? Plus, who owns the Savannah. Didn’t Jake have the boat put in Savannah’s name for tax purposes…. doesn’t that make it her boat? Then he says it is his boat and she doesn’t blink an eye. That was strange for me. Maybe I missed something or maybe the editor did. Little things like that drive me crazy. But I digress….
Call me a reckless girl, well on second thought maybe you shouldn’t, but I enjoyed this book. Does it go off the rails a little? Yes. Additionally, it had a reveal that I did not see coming. Honestly, I did not see a couple of the twists coming. There was one I saw coming from a mile away but otherwise, things took me by surprise. Probably because some things came out of left field. There needs to be a degree of suspension of disbelief in the book – especially toward the end.
This was a fast read that sucked me in and shocked me. Again, pure escapism reading. Throw all good reasoning out the window and suspend some disbelief and go into this for the island escape it offers.
Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.