Changeling (Six Stories, #3)

by Matt Wesolowski
Published by Orenda Books Genres: Crime, Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: Audiobook

Christmas Eve in 1988

Alfie Marsden a seven-year-old boy goes missing when his father stops due to car trouble. His father turned his back and the next thing he knows the back door of his car is open, and Alfie is missing! Gone! Sadly, Alfie is never found. He appears to have gone missing in Wentshire Forest. A forest with a dark history if you believe the locals. What happened to Alfie that night and why did he leave the car? After many years of not having answers, Alfie is declared dead in 1995.

Scott King, an online journalist, has an investigative podcast where he tells/looks at a case in six stories. “Stories” is what he refers to the input he receives from six witness and those involved/affected by what he is investigating. In this book, he interviews Alfie’s father, Sorrel, his mother, a teacher, and those in their lives.

This series does not disappoint – EVER. The first book in the series, Six Stories blew me away. If you have not read his book, I highly recommend it as I highly recommend all the books I have read in this series. As a different case is examined in each book, the books in this series could be read out of order. Fans of books which utilize podcasts will enjoy this one (and the others).

I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed the various voices. This book is very clever, very well thought out and so very enjoyable. Whether you read or listen to this book, you will not be disappointed.

