Format: ARC, eBook

“It was my way of remembering their appearance, their physical beauty. I always wanted to keep…if I couldn’t keep them with me whole, I at least could keep their skeletons.” – Dahmer, The Journal Times, 8 February 1993
I am in the outlier camp because I enjoyed (if that is the right word) this book. Yes, the prologue is a bit much it will rub many readers the wrong way. I wonder if some stopped reading there. I could see how one might want to put the book down at that point. I read on an I found the book to be interesting.
Perhaps the title is not the best. I don’t think we really got into the mind of Jeffrey Dahmer here, but the author did talk about his childhood, his upbringing, his parents’ relationship, his time in the military and those he killed.
I appreciate that the author named his victims. So many times, the focus is on the killer. We remember serial killers’ names. They sicken us, they frighten us, we can’t comprehend how they could do such unspeakable acts, we want to know more. Why? I’m scared of spiders, but I don’t want to know more about them. Serial killers get a cult level status. While those who suffered unmeasurable pain, anguish and the loss of their lives are only remembered by their loved ones. Each victim is named. Yes, the author tells how Dahmer lured them and killed them as well. This book is not easy reading. Not at all.
I was back to being appalled and sickened at the police officers who sent fourteen-year-old, Konerak Sinthasomphone back into Dahmer’s lair after he escaped and was being helped by two women. How they didn’t take the women seriously. How they could ignore a naked bleeding teen and send him back to the horrors that awaited him. How they laughed about their ‘lovers’ quarrel. Again, this is not easy reading.
Are there better books out there on Dahmer? Yes. But once I got past the prologue, which is annoying, the author does focus on Dahmer. I enjoyed reading the counts and charges against him.
True, one could read about this on Wikipedia, but I requested the book and although, I was hoping for more psychology, I wasn’t disappointed.
If you can get past the prologue, it isn’t half bad. True, you could skip the book and go to Wikipedia, but I’m reviewing this book and not that site.
Thank you to Ad Lib books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the comments and opinions expressed in this review are my own.