Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons, Penguin Group Genres: Contempory, Fiction, Horror
Format: ARC, eBook

Living in the ‘burbs should be relaxing. What’s not to love – a nice home, a nice yard, good schools, good friends, and Mom’s nights out. Let’s have a She Shed they said! Wouldn’t that be fun? Like a man cave but better! Throw in a not so friendly demonic force and you have yourself one fun and slightly horrific book! Think desperate housewives meets the Amityville horror.
This was a fun book. Liz, Jess, and Melissa, have a fun night full of drinks and She Shed plans when it all hits the fan the next day and I am not talking hangovers, although they have them as well! I’m talking Liz is not acting quite herself, in fact she is acting over the top and her demeanor is bizarre. Is it the horrific smell coming from her backyard or is she possessed?
So clever! I enjoyed this book. It was a nice change to read a not so serious but very entertaining book. The author delivered and I found this to be a quick and satisfying read. Plus, my fingers are crossed that maybe just maybe there may be another book.
Fun. Dark. Funny. Creepy.
Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Putnam, G.P. Putnam’s Sons and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.