Published by Press 53 Genres: Fiction, short story
Format: ARC, eBook

Tara Lynn Masih has proven that she can write just about anything. She blew me away with My Real Name Is Hanna and I have been a fan ever since. Her writing is wonderfully beautiful, and I easily find myself transported to the locations in her books/novellas/stories.
How We Disappear is a collection of stories about those who are lost, those who are taken, those who have run away, those that are in-between, and those who wander. She even has Agatha Christie in the mix!
I enjoy books that evoke emotion and are thought provoking. This completely fit the bill. Were there ones that I enjoyed more than others? Yes, but isn’t that the way with story collection? Plus, I enjoyed them all just some more than others. Tara Lynn Masih is a master storyteller and gifted writer. Her skills are on full display in this collection.
Lyrical, thought provoking and evoking emotion, this collection is not to be missed.
Thank you to Press 53 and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.