Published by Gallery Books, Scout Press Genres: Fiction

his book started off on very strong footing. A Navy Vessel answers a Mayday from Virginie whose husband has been horribly injured. Virginie tells the Captain of the Navy vessel “It’s all my fault. I killed them.” I thought Yes! This is going to be a killer book. With a beginning like that, I knew I was going to love it. I was already intrigued by the synopsis of the book.
But then things petered out. Virginie and her husband Jake had purchased a yacht and looked forward to exotic and exciting travels with it. When they were told about a tiny, isolated island, Amarante, they set off for adventure but find when they arrive that they are not the only ones who had that in mind.
I thought I was going to love this book. That this book about survival was going to wow me. Why oh why do publishers use other books in their blurbs. I enjoyed The Ruins and was hoping with fingers crossed that this book would be more like that book. Well, I am her to tell you folks, it was not.
This was not for me. I was hoping for tension, suspense, and atmosphere and this was not it for me. Others are enjoying this book more than I did, so please seek out those reviews as well.
Thank you to Gallery/Scout Press and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.