Published by Harper Genres: Crime, Fiction, Mystery
Format: ARC, eBook

Saffron “Saffy” Cuttler and her boyfriend, Tom have moved into 9 Skelton Place, a home she was given by her Grandmother Rose, who is suffering from Dementia. Saffy and Tom are expecting a baby and are in the process of making renovations to the home when their builders find two bodies buried. Further investigation shows the bodies have been there for almost 30 years.
Rose might have lived there at the time, but she has Dementia, and her memories might not be the best to go by……
This was an enjoyable mystery, but will I remember it in months to come? I’m not sure. This book moved at a nice pace and was well written. The mystery was good, the twist was one I did not see coming and yet, it didn’t really stand apart from other books in the genre. My main issue was that I didn’t really feel for any of the characters. None really stood out for me but I enjoyed the mystery of the identify of the bodies and what happened to them.
Enjoyable with a nice twist.
Thank you to Harper Paperbacks and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.