I’m the Girl

by Courtney Summers
Published by Macmillan audio, St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books Genres: Fiction, LGBT, Mystery, young adult
Format: ARC, Audiobook, eBook

Courtney Summers has a knack for writing uncomfortable and heartbreaking books about young women. She does not shy away from exposing readers to the harsh realities of life and dares you to not look away but to face things head on.

Sixteen-year-old Georgia Avis discovered the body of thirteen-year-old Ashley James. She along with Ashley’s older sister, Nora, try to find the killer. But are they biting off more than they can chew?

Georgia wants what most people want – to fit in and to be loved. She wants to be appreciated for her beauty. She wants to be a member of her town’s elite. She wants to fit into the world of privilege. But membership has a price. So many times, while reading I wanted to give Georgia a hug and some sound advice that I am pretty sure would go ignored.

I’m the Girl shows innocence and innocence lost. It shows how the powerful and the wealthy wield their power. How predators’ prey on others. This book also shows how growing up is hard to do.

This book is not a happy go lucky book. It deals with difficult subjects and situations. It shows how naïveté is no match for the ugliness in others. This book is both raw, gripping and evokes emotion.

I had both the book and the audiobook and felt the narrator did a great job with this book.

This book may be a trigger for some due to the subject matter.

This was raw, heartbreaking, gripping, well written and evoked emotion.

Thank you to Macmillan audio, St. Martin’s Press – Wednesday books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

