Published by Macmillan Tor/ Forge Genres: Fiction, Gothic, Mystery, Paranormal, suspense
Format: ARC, eBook

Ilsbeth Clark was accused of witchcraft centuries ago when area children went missing. Townspeople doled out her punishment by drowning her in a well.
Elena and Cathy met when they were children. Cathy grew up in the small Norwegian town while Elena and her family spent their summers there. Now adults, Social Media influencer, Elena has come back to the town to prepare her family’s manor house ready to sale. But she becomes inspired to write about Ilsbeth’s spirit. Elena is not the only one who has been inspired to write about Ilsbeth. Cathy has been researching and writing about Ilsbeth for years.
What has inspired both women to write about Ilsbeth and her story? Who owns the right to write about her?
This was an atmospheric and dark book. It is told using Elena’s journal, books, Cathy’s blog, and mysterious pages. It took me a little bit of time to get used to this style of storytelling. It’s a little confusing (at least it was for me) at times I wasn’t sure who was telling the story. Yet, it was oddly compelling and enjoyable.
The characters are not likeable as we see them in written form (remember the book is told through journals, blogs, book, etc.). I wondered who is reliable, who isn’t, etc. But the mystery sucked me in. This is a book that creeps up on readers, sucking them in with questions, trapping their interest while soaking them with unease and tension.
The Manor is old and not in the best shape. This creates the perfect stage for the creepy, dark feel of the book. An old manor home, the forest and the infamous well provide the atmospheric and sense of impending doom.
This is the perfect book to read on a dreary, dark day or perhaps at dusk. It’s creepy and odd. It’s not horrific or scary yet it sets a mood. It’s mysterious but does not have a huge reveal or knock-your-socks-off at the end moment. More like a soft ‘aha’ at the ending.
Gothic, Atmospheric and Dark
Thank you to Macmillan-Tor/Forge, Tor Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.