Published by Bantam Press, Random House - Ballantine Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, suspense
Format: ARC, eBook

It’s watching.
Liz Rocher has returned to Johnstown, Pennsylvania to attend her best friend’s wedding. On the night of her wedding, Mel’s (Melissa) daughter, Caroline has gone missing. All that remains is fabric covered in blood.
As the search begins, Liz remembers her teenage years in Johnstown, when Keisha Woodson, the other black girl in school walked into the woods and never returned. Her body was found with the heart missing but the case went cold. Now, Caroline’s daughter is missing. Liz can see the connection – summer night, nighttime, a party in the evening. What is more alarming is that other girls have been taken over the years. All were black girls.
Now Liz is on a quest to find Caroline before it is too late. What is happening to the young girls? What happened to them and why?
This is a book which readers are going to love or feel just so-so about. I loved the beginning of the book. I was drawn in and there were parts that I could not read fast enough. Then I got to the 60-70% mark, and I wasn’t quite feeling the love anymore. The writing was still good. But the later part of the book just didn’t work as well for me. If I said why, I would be giving away a spoiler. It’s a shame as the book has a lot going for it, but then it no longer worked for me. I sat thinking “what did I just read?” I’m good at suspending disbelief but found I struggled with it in this book.
What the author did excel at was creating the tension and uneasy feel of the characters in and near the woods. The I thought-I-saw-something-over-there but upon looking closer there is nothing there- must have been my imagination feel/experience. Adams was adept at creating scenes which will having the hair stand up on the back of your arms. I also must give her props for creativity.
Although my enjoyment went down toward the end of the book, I look forward to what Erin E. Adams writes next.
Thank you to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Bantam and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.