The Ex Wives @bookouture @JennaKernan

by Jenna Kernan
Published by Bookouture Audio Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Psychological Thriller
Format: ARC, Audiobook

Another book where I can honestly say “I did not see that coming!” Seriously, what a shocker that was! Woohoo! I love when a book can shock me and this one did it!

Elana considers herself fortunate to have met Jackson after the death of her husband. She initially believes that she has a perfect life. But soon, Jackson begins telling her what to wear, not to work, and what to say to people. But her life otherwise is good, right? Her daughter, Phoebe is happy and has made friends. But then, Elena finds out that Jackson is a liar. He has been married twice before and that is only the beginning….

I listened to the audiobook and thought the narrator did a fantastic job. Elena quickly learns that all that glitters is not gold. She has stepped in some serious you-know-what! Jackson is a powerful man. He is the mayor, and his brother is a police officer. Where do you turn when those in the position to help are loyal to the enemy?

Just when I thought I had things figured out, Jenna Kernan shocked the daylights out of me with a reveal which had my head spinning. Very nicely played. I found this book to be captivating and hard to put down! So good!

Great narration, perfect plotting, and a jaw dropping reveal, made for a very enjoyable listen (read).

Thank you to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

