Unnatural Creatures: A Novel of the Frankenstein Women

by Kris Waldherr
Published by Muse Publications Genres: Fiction, Gothic, Retelling
Format: ARC, eBook

Gothic, atmospheric and dark. Unnatural Creatures: A Novel of the Frankenstein Women tells the tale of the women in Victor Frankenstein’s life. There is a thin line between genius and madness as readers will find. This is a wonderful book that kept me turning the pages while wondering how things would play out in the end.

The Women:

Caroline Frankenstein is a loving mother who would do anything to protect her children. She has also made a habit of rescuing others in need of help. Her son Victor Frankenstein is obsessed with conquering death, and this has led him to forbidden realms. He experiments and creates an unnatural creature.

Elizabeth Lavenza was a small child when she was saved by Caroline Frankenstein. She believes that marrying Victor Frankenstein will repay her debt to the family. She may feel obligated to marry Victor, but her heart lies elsewhere.

Justine Moreau suffered abuse from her mother before Caroline Frankenstein took her in and gave her a better life. She is devoted to Caroline and Elizabeth. There is nothing she won’t do for Caroline. After tragedy, she is set on a collision course against Victor’s creature. A creature who is out for revenge.

This was a very satisfying Gothic tale that looks at Frankenstein in a new way. The author chooses to focus on three women and their relationships with each other and with Victor Frankenstein. Don’t worry if you have not read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. You can still enjoy this one. But if you have read it, you may like (as I did) how the author made the women strong with equal footing. They have a voice in this book, and I enjoyed their story.

I also enjoyed the atmosphere in this book. The book takes place during a time of revolutions occurring in 18th-century Europe. There is danger, foreboding and tension. I found this to be a well written tale and I loved this take on Frankenstein, his monster, and the women in Victor Frankenstein’s life.

Thank you to Muse Publications LLC and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

