Published by Tor-Nightfire Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Paranormal
Format: ARC, eBook

Now I know what a Spite House is. I had never heard of one before. You learn something new every day. Eric Ross is on the run with his two daughters, Dess and Stacy. Readers are left wondering what they were running from and why. Don’t worry, eventually you will find out. Looking for money and wanting to come to terms with his past, Eric accepts a job living in the Masson House in Degener, Texas. It has a past and is considered the most haunted house in Texas. The owner wants documented proof of paranormal activity in the house.
The ad and the house call to Eric for many reasons but is he fully prepared to live there with his daughters?
This book does have a Gothic feel to it, and I love a good, haunted house story. I was invested in the story and wanting to learn more. Although I enjoyed this, I was left with questions and feel like I must have missed a few things. A lot happens in the end, and I found I wanted more clarification on them.
Thank you to Macmillan-Tor/Forge, Tor Nightfire and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.