The Resort

by Sarah Goodwin
Published by Avon Books Genres: Fiction, Mystery, thriller
Format: ARC, eBook

A destination wedding, snowy mountains, and an abandoned ski resort set this stage for this wintery thriller.

Mila and her husband, Ethan, were traveling to her sister’s destination wedding when things began to go wrong. First their directions took them down a steep road, then they had car trouble. Lost and stranded in the snow filled mountains, they had no choice but to seek out shelter. They found an abandoned ski resort with boarded up windows. They decided to bunker down for the night. Tired, hungry, and cold they went to sleep. When Mila woke up the next morning, Ethan was gone!

She’s all alone yet can’t shake the feeling that she is not alone. She is also drowning in guilt about not being there for her sister’s wedding.

This was an atmospheric thriller which had me asking the same questions that Mila was asking: Where was Ethan? Did something happen to him in the night? Did he stumble off and get lost in the snow? How will she get to help? What should she do? Where should she go? Should she stay put?

The author did a good job describing the snow cold environment. The lost and desperate feelings of Mila. This book is told in real time and through snippets of the past. Readers learn more about Mila and her relationship with her sister.

I enjoyed this book but there were some things in this book that did not work for me. As I mentioned I enjoyed the atmosphere and the way I could feel Mila’s desperation and lost feelings. The second half of the book really picks up and there are a couple of twists. I have to say that I had ‘concerns’ about one character and was not surprised about the major twist.

I loved Stranded by Goodwin and had high hopes for this book. I enjoyed it and read it in one sitting. I put this is in the good but didn’t blow me away category. I will still be on the lookout for more books by this author. She can write and excels at creating atmosphere.

Thank you to Avon Books UK and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

