In the Shadow of Time

by Kevin Ansbro
Published by 2QT Ltd Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Magical Realism, Science Fiction
Format: eBook

A journey through time and place.

A Secret agent, a beautiful physicist, a porcelain skinned teenager and a shoeshine boy have their lives changed in ways they never imagined. A time machine will take them back to a simpler time, it will be the adventure of a lifetime.

I have said it before, I am not a big fantasy or science fiction reader. Books in those genres are hit or miss for me. What works for me in those genres are the characters and their relationships with others. This book is full of relationships. I loved how the characters formed a family unit and were accepting and loyal to each other. There are tight bonds formed in this book and this is where the magic happened for me. The impact that one person has on another always piques my interest and grabs my attention.

I also loved the lush and vivid descriptions which had me feeling as if I was a silent observer watching as the characters went about their business.

This was a well thought out and nicely paced novel. Readers go along on the journey with the characters.

If you are looking for something a little different, a little off the beaten path, with a whole lot of heart, look no further.

