Published by Boldwood Books Genres: Adult Fiction, Fiction, Rom-Com, Romance
Format: ARC, eBook

This was a fun and cute book that had me turning the pages with a smile on my face. I also enjoyed how Serena was dealing with real life issues: grief/loss, financial issues, relationship issues, loss of a job, etc. This had me rooting for her the entire book.
Serena finds herself out of a job and a place to live when her employer Diana, (who is more like a mother to her) dies suddenly. Diana’s children decide to see the tearoom where Serena worked and everyone is let go. As Serena lived in a float over the business, she was left without a home as well. Talk about having a lot on your plate. Dealing with the loss of someone close to her and being out of a home, Ugh! Plus, her personal life….
Luckily her friend, Taylor is going to be traveling with her husband, Tim for a few months and tells Serena she can stay in their home while they are away. Tim, not knowing that Taylor has invited Serena to stay in their home, invites his friend, Ziggy to stay there until he gets back on his feet. Woops!
Serena and Ziggy could not be more opposite if they tried. Serena likes quiet and order yet has a quirky personality. Ziggy is a messy musician with an easy-going personality. Neither was expecting to share the home with someone. Soon they engage in pranks in hopes of making the other move out.
For me, Romance books are all about the journey. I enjoyed the journey these characters went on. Both are likeable and their scenes are great. They go from being annoyed with the other to having other emotions. I also enjoyed reading about what Serena was left by her deceased employer.
This book is great escapism reading. I have not read a book by Portia MacIntosh before, and I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.
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Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.