Published by Black Rose Writing Genres: Childrens, Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook

Girls Can is a picture book for children with a suggested reading range from age 3- 8 years old. I loved how it was both empowering and encouraging. Its message is clear: Girls can do and be anything they want. The illustrations are beautiful, and the rhyming was clever, smart and lyrical.
The message is a great one for girls and this is a great book for parents to read and share with their children. “Be who you are” is a beautiful message that is not given enough. I love that is it clear that you young girls do not have to follow gender-based stereotypes. That girls can play with dolls or build forts and climb trees. That they can be who they are, follow what dreams they have and play a part in the world.
Acceptance and being yourself are lessons we all need to embrace, live by and instill in our young. Now we need a book for young boys sharing the same message.
#GirlsCan #NetGalley #DebPreston, #BlackRoseWriting
Thank you to Black Rose Writing and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.