Published by Pen & Sword Genres: History, Nonfiction
Format: ARC, eBook

This book looks at the Titanic and its passengers. Readers are given individual stories’ and I was shocked at how many had those in their lives or who went to psychics who were given premonitions that they would not survive the voyage or that the voyage was doomed. Most shook these premonitions off, as the Titanic was built to be unsinkable. They were confident, and ready to sail, not knowing that the Titanic would never make it to New York City. The Titanic was grand, big and luxurious. What could go wrong?
There were theories that there were doomed items on board – the hope diamond and an Egyptian artifact with a Mummy’s curse. Was the ship cursed? Why so many premonitions?
We all know the story of the Titanic and have seen the movie. I have been fascinated with the story; I can’t even imagine how full of fear everyone on board must have been. Marveling at those who choose to stay on board, the musicians who continued to play and those separated from their families. I can’t even imagine.
The author did a great deal of research and spoke with family members of those who survived. The author read through newspaper clippings and reports of the Carpathia, the ship that picked up survivors.
This book was interesting and an unusual look at omens, premonitions and curses.
Thank you to Pen & Sword, Frontline Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.