Broken Rhodes

by Kimber Silver
Published by Silver Plains Publications Genres: Crime, Fiction, Mystery, Romance
Format: Paperback

Gripping, tense and full of secrets. Broken Rhodes tells the story of murder, greed, love, and secrets.

Kinsley Rhodes’s beloved grandfather, Henry has been brutally murdered and she returns to her hometown of Harlow, Kansas to settle his affairs. She has beautiful memories of her time with her grandfather, but the town also holds horrible memories of being bullied as a teen and a traumatic event that has affected her life. Small towns have memories, and no one wants to let her remember her past (or just how small minded they are).

Soon after arriving in town, Kinsley meets Sheriff Lincoln James who is tasked with finding his friend Henry’s killer, while keeping an eye of Kinsley.

Tensions run deep as does the gossip line. Old rivalries, power-hungry bullies, greed, gossip, deep rooted secrets, friendship, romance, and a desire for land flow throughout this hard to put down book.

Kimber Silver has crafted a well thought out and perfectly paced book with both likeable and unlikeable characters. I rooted for some and enjoyed booing and hissing at others. I didn’t figure out whodunit but enjoyed lining up my suspects all the same.

This was a gripping and hard to put down debut book and I hope Silver has more book ideas up her sleeve as I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.

